Eeyore Days

Sometimes you just can’t help but have an “Eeyore Day” every now and then…

“I might have known,” said Eeyore. “After all, one can’t complain. I have my friends. Somebody spoke to me only yesterday. And was it last week or the week before that Rabbit bumped into me and said ‘Bother!’. The Social Round. Always something going on.”
“It’s snowing still,” said Eeyore gloomily.
“So it is.”
“And freezing.”
“Is it?”
“Yes,” said Eeyore. “However,” he said, brightening up a little, “we haven’t had an earthquake lately.”
“That’s right, Eeyore. Drop in on any of us at any time, when you feel like it.”
“Thank you, Rabbit. And if anybody says in a Loud Voice ‘Bother, it’s Eeyore,’ I can drop out again.”
End of the road… nothing to do… and no hope of things getting better. Sounds like Saturday night at my house.
Eeyore: It’s my birthday, the happiest day of the year.
Pooh: Your birthday?
Eeyore: Of course. Can’t you see all the presents?
Pooh: N-n-no.
Eeyore: Can’t you see the cake, the candles, the pink sugar?
Pooh: No.
Eeyore: Neither can I.
Pooh: Oh. Well, many happy returns of the day, Eeyore.
Eeyore: Thank you, Pooh. But we can’t all, and some of us don’t.
Pooh: Can’t all what?
Eeyore: No gaiety, no song and dance, no “Here We Go ‘Round the Mulberry Bush”. But don’t worry about me, Pooh. Go and enjoy yourself. I’ll stay here and be miserable, with no presents, no cake, no candles.
Pooh: Eeyore, wait right here.
After all, what are birthdays? Here today and gone tomorrow.

Nobody tells me. Nobody keeps me informed. I make it 17 days come Friday since anybody spoke to me.

Roo: Don’t you ever get sick of your house falling down all the time, Eeyore?
Eeyore: Nope. Suppose it’s just what houses do.
Lumpy: But houses are supposed to stay standing up.
Eeyore: Guess mine forgot.
A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference. – Eeyore