Justin Beiber on Disney Christmas Special

Bieber’s Christmas performance taping at WDW

I was at Disney World the day that Justin Bieber was taping his performance for the Disney Christmas Parade tv show (Sat, Dec 3).  I was NOT in the crowd or anywhere within a radius of the Magic Kingdom that morning of course. We purposefully slept in that morning and headed to the furthest reaches of Animal Kingdom so to escape the  Bieber-mania that was going on anywhere closer to the castle.

We did watch Jennifer Hudson’s performance the day before, and that was fun. I took video of her performance and had a nice couple hours being a part of the crowd. The camera was right in our faces at one point, so maybe I’ll be on tv on Christmas morning. That would be pretty cool!

J Hud – Gorgeous dress she had that day!

Anyway, back to Bieber. Not to be confused with Justin Beaver. Thank you, Wikipedia, for pointing out the difference, but nobody under the age of 40 is going to make that mistake.

I’m not a 14 year old kid and therefore not a Justin Bieber fan, but anybody would admit that he is adorable in a very non-statutory rape type way. With all of the teen idols of the past, you have to wonder what might happen to this cutie patootie in a few years, or even just a few months when his voice changes entirely!

Bieb and Goofy straight chillin’ (2011)
This is apparently his favorite pose when hanging with a Disney character.

Disney Christmas Wallpapers

Who doesn’t want their computers to get in the Christmas spirit, Disney-style!!?  Here are some of my favorite Disney Christmas computer wallpapers that I’ve found and wanted to share (with their respective links):

Castle at Christmas:

 Epcot Christmas Tree:

Merry Christmas!

Jennifer Hudson Christmas filming at Disney World

We were at the Magic Kingdom a couple weeks ago the same day that Jennifer Hudson filmed her performance for the Walt Disney World Christmas Day Parade tv show.  Very cool to watch and be a part of that!

At one point later the camera went right in our face – a foot away – we’re excited to see if we’ll be on tv!!

Disney Christmas Castles Around the World

I’m leaving for WDW tomorrow, and am so excited to see Cinderella Castle all lit up for the holidays. Absolutely love it. Got me to wondering what the other castles around the world look like for Christmas? 

Cinderella Castle: Walt Disney World, Orlando FL

Le Château de la Belle au Bois Dormant (Sleeping Beauty’s Castle):
Disneyland Paris
Sleeping Beauty Castle: Disneyland, Anaheim CA
Cinderella Castle: Tokyo Disneyland
Tinkerbell Castle**: Hong Kong Disneyland

** Tinkerbell Castle – for their 5th anniversary year (2011) Hong Kong Disneyland has temporarily transformed their Sleeping Beauty Castle (carbon copy of the one in Disneyland) to Tinkerbell Castle. Stunning right!?

Here’s another gorgeous shot of some of Hong Kong Disneyland’s
Christmas decorations!

Top 10 Don’t Miss and Top 10 to Skip: Magic Kingdom

Space Mtn is a Must Do in the MK.
Note: This Post has 4 Parts
These Top 10 lists are aimed at adults or teens/big kids visiting WDW.  Except for when I was visiting as a young’un myself and went with my younger brothers and family, I have never been to WDW with children, so I cannot advise for those with young families.
Here are my Top 10 List of Must-Do’s and Top 10 for things you could Skip (if you have limited time in WDW), plus my Quick Serve food faves for those without a minute to spare.
Top 10 Must-Do:
  1. Space Mountain – the Mountains are all a Must-Do. Period. No ride in the Top 5 require any explanation. Just do them!
  2. Splash Mountain
  3. Big Thunder Mountain
  4. Haunted Mansion
  5. Pirates of the Caribbean
  6. Wishes Fireworks – Walt wanted his guests to go home with a “goodnight kiss” every night, so he made fireworks a regular event at Disneyland.  If you’re only in WDW for 2 days however, Wishes and Illuminations are the only night shows worth making time for. 
  7. Philharmagic – 3D flying carpet chase into the clouds. Enough said.
  8. Jungle Cruise – Disneyland Classic. Did you know Walt originally wanted REAL hippos for this ride! LOL. Love that you can get a different Skipper nearly every go-round, which makes for a very different ride each time!
  9. Buzz Lightyear – Friendly competition is fun.
  10. Tomorrowland Transit Authority People Mover – I love this ride. I just do.
I can pass on the Main St. Electrical Parade.
Top 10 to Skip:
  1. Main St. Electrical Parade – Compared to SpectroMagic, which recently left WDW, this parade is lame. I guess if you’ve never seen SpectroMagic to know the difference, then check it out. (You will see that I am not a fan of parades in general.)
  2. Small World – If you can walk right on to the ride, then go ahead and do it so you can make fun of it…I mean, say you did it. Otherwise, it’s OK to skip.
  3. Dumbo / Aladdin – 2 rides, same thing. They go around in circles and up and down for a minute and a half.  Yes Dumbo is on all the TV commercials but anybody that’s been to a local town carnival has probably been on a similar type thing.
  4. Astro Orbiters – Line’s not worth it, unless you really get off on heights.
  5. Mad Tea Party –Again, since, like Dumbo, it’s in all the TV commercials it has the fame, but it’s just a spinny ride, just like any other at any carnival.
  6. Stitch’s Great Escape – I keep wanting this attraction to be better than it is. But it’s not.
  7. Tomorrowland Speedway – For anybody with a real driver’s license, this is understandably not so exciting.
  8. Swiss Family Treehouse – Lots of little kids climbing around.  Not fun. Time-waster.
  9. Hall of Presidents – Good only if you need a 20 minute nap in AC.
  10. Prince Charming Regal Carrousel – Horsies go around and around, up and down. Just like a carrousel should. It’s very pretty though – great photo opportunities.
Look for this sign for Dole Whip goodness.

Food Favorites (Quick-Serve, since you won’t have time to sit for too long!):

  1. Main St. Bakery (Main St.) – Their cinnamon rolls in the morning are just perfect.
  2. Aloha Isle (Adventureland) – Dole Whip. Just do it.
  3. Casey’s Corner (Main St.) – The best hot dogs in WDW
  4. Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Café (Tomorrowland) – Huge toppings bar for everything you could want to pile onto your burger. Tip: The terrace is a pretty good spot to watch Wishes while you chow down.
  5. Turkey Leg cart (Adventureland) – the Turkey Legs are hilarious, great photo opportunities.  Please read my post about how unhealthy they are though!